2013년 5월 9일 목요일

Taean Tulip Flower Festival

  Taean is the major city of floricultural industry in Korea.
Actually Taean Tulip Flower Festival was held the name of Taean Lily festival at 2006. From 2006 to 2009 the title of Taean Lily Flower Festival had been held. But from last year, this festival had changed totally! As subject to the seasons, at spring, it is focused on Tulip that will add files serenity spring. At summer, it is focused on the Lily, is holding a dark fragrance to stimulate the nose. Specially at midterm of summer and fall, it is focused on the beautiful colorful light. Lastly At fall, it is focused on dahlia which boasting beautiful shape herself. As mentioned earlier, Taean flower festival is focused on each seasons and in progress. By watching Taean’s beautiful ocean and eating delicious food, you can enjoy Taean! As this season is spring,  i concentrically focus on tulip flower festival. 

(many tourists enjoy festival!)

  From 4. 25 to 5. 12, Taean Tulip Flower Festival having been held. At this year,’ the meeting of bashful love’ is the subject of this festival. There are 200 kinds of tulip, rape flowers, petunia, marigold and totally about 1 million! Basically its place is decorated the theme of Korean traditional tale 'a snapping turtle's story' characters. Also in the vicinity of here, the village is composed of various characters including festival's symbol 'Tuny'!

  In Taean Tulip Flower Festival, maze which is not seen in the others is installed, it is made of many varieties of tulips. This is the appreciation courses to go looking for a way to enjoy the feeling of exotic tulips.

(various colors!)
  Besides tulips, greenhouses that grow exotic plants such as clover, poppies garden are in place. Aforementioned in exhibition hall on the many themes including ''a snapping turtle's story' and garden, various events having been open for visitors to experience festival ; Feeding to animals, Making Korean traditional masks etc.

(it looks exotic country not Korea so beautiful!)

  One visitor said "before enjoy this festival, you may think the entrance fee looks expensive. but I assure that you deserve to pay this." I hope all of you enjoy this festival! :p

댓글 3개:

  1. Hi~ Hyejin! I'm Haeun. The pictures of your post is very beautiful! I feel like I watched a foreign country picture. One of my favorite flower is Tulip. So, I really want to go there someday! I didn't know that Korea has a lot of festival. Thank you for giving me the information! I'll look forward to your post. Have a good day~:)

  2. Hello Hyejin. After I see this post, my mind is agitated. I want to go the Taean Tulip Flower Festival, because I love flower like tulip, lily, and dahlia as you mentioned.
    My favorite flower is passion flower. What kind of flower do you like? Is there passion flower among the 200 kinds of flower? If so, I will go there without fail!
    There are Ten Million Blossom Chrysanthemum Festival in Iksan which is my country. It will be held October. If you have free time, Will you come with me?

  3. Hello! This looks beautiful! Tulips are my favorite flowers. Maybe next year, if I am in Korea, I will try to go to this festival. :)
