2013년 5월 23일 목요일

The 17th Muju Firefly Festival

                            (last festival promotion)
  The 17th Muju Firefly Festival will be held the title of ‘the light of nature, the light of life, the light of future’ at 6/1~ 6/9. From this year, Muju Firefly Festival’s 26 experience activities and performance programs was abolished which participation ratio is low and does not fit the intents of its purpose. Also by using camping sites like bandi land, national park of Guchundong, it will be showed new programs like ‘Firefly’s Home’ to make tourists feel attractions about this festival and Muju’s nature. In official site of this festival, you can reserve program ‘Catching trout in Namdaecheon stream with bare hands and The mysterious exploration of firefly’.

                                                                (firefly festival's poster)

The features of Muju Firefly Festival

  1.    The only environment theme festival of Korea which focus on national monument. This is eco festival because it is focus on the firefly and its feed(marsh snail) habitat.

  2.    The festival of traditional culture contents stretching.
This is traditional festival that Korean local playings(Nori of Subdari, Bangatguri, Nakhwa and Gijual) are performanced.

3.    The festival of observing firefly at day
We all know that firefly lights his body himself but don’t know his appearance well. But by building experience room, we also find what he is.

What is firefly?

                       (There are a great diversity of firefly!)
 Firefly is divided into the section 3, head, thorax and abdomen as common insect. it has a pair of antennae, three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. It is known as environmental indicator animal and motivated emotional insect which make humanbeings have emotional stability. The average lifespan of firefly is 2 weeks and firefly eats dew and marsh snail. The male lights two nodes on his body instead, female lights only one node on her body. Not only adult firefly but also egg, larval and pupal firefly lights.

 why firefly lights his body?

 The female firefly lights their body for finding their mates and male firefly lights when he shares love with his mate. Above this, the light has means to protect themselves and notify danger from others.

댓글 2개:

  1. Hi Hyejin! I'm Dahee. I never seen firefly in my entire life! IT means that Jeonju is not that clean to see thatm! I really want to go Muju to see the firefly. I've been Muju before to ride ski. This time, I should go to firefly festival with my family. Thanks for the awsome post!

  2. Hi Hyejin~ I'm yura. I have been there, Muju Gucheondong with my family when I was elemantary school student! I can't forget the beauty of so many lights there. That lights were fireflies. They are so beautiful^^ Muju also has good sightseeing here and there. I recommend you will go there this summer!
